Custom Website- Members Only | Start A Credit Repair Business...

Custom Template Credit Repair Websites

Get Your Credit Repair Word Press Business Website

Only $300 upfront and NO MONTHLY PAYMENTS and FREE hosting for 12 months or you can host at your own site. Full backend access and the ability to move your site to any provider you wish. If you stay with us, the hosting fees after 12 months is $9.95 per month.  For members only. You will get a completed word press website, hosting and basic custom changes of your site. These are template websites and changes has to be around the template as displayed. This website site is normally $599 but at a special price to all members who act now. If you want a two color change of the website. It is $50 more. We can change the large image in front changed but you must provide us with an image with you having permission, and we do text changes. We can make basic text changes to your site e.g. 5 times for the the year. e.g. text or price change. Domain name purchase is $13.95 extra. Please note: 

Replicated sites are installed within 1-3 days and changes completed within 7-10 days.

Go to   to see a sample. Please see note below.


Only $350 upfront and NO MONTHLY PAYMENTS and FREE hosting for 12 months or you can host at your own site. Full backend access and the ability to move your site to any provider you wish. If you stay with us, the hosting fees after 12 months is $9.95 per month.  For members only. You will get a completed word press website, hosting and basic custom changes of your site. These are template websites and changes has to be around the template as displayed. This website site is normally $699 but at a special price to all members who act now. If you want a two color change of the website. It is $50 more. We can change the large image in front changed but you must provide us with an image with you having permission, and we do text changes. We can make basic text changes to your site e.g. 5 times for the the year. e.g. text or price change. Domain name purchase is $13.95 extra. Please note: 

Replicated sites are installed within 1-3 days and changes completed within 7-10 days.

Go to to see a sample. Please see note below.

Please note: These are template sites. We change text where you currently see text. We can replace pictures were you currently see pictures if copyright approval is received. We can remove or rename menu links and pages but not rearrange anything that is outside of the template as you see it now. We cannot place pictures where there are not any current pictures there or anything else where you don't see them. We can remove/replace but we do not add. Different revisions will be quoted and will be much cheaper for CCA's members than you can get in the marketplace.
